Service Overview

- Political process insight

- Unvarnished intelligence access

- Facts and analysis

- Global intelligence partnerships

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Political Intelligence

Insider access to crucial political insights.


To understand what Canadian policy and political leaders are doing today and planning for tomorrow, business and foreign investors need to do more than scan the headlines or from hearing it from your in-house PR people.

Before investing in Canada, companies need to know and require the right answers to questions from a team that has truly served at the most senior levels national politics, civil service, military, business, and academia.

Political Process Intelligence

Every day, political events and decisions made in Ottawa can significantly influence your company’s investment plans and very future. Sometimes these events are significant and can range from unfair duty and tariff imposition to new compliance regulations that could seriously impact your bottom line.

Other times they are more subtle changes as in the way government leaders think about your industry in terms of their own politically motivated policy agendas that omitted to consult you. Moreover, competing domestic and foreign interests are ever present, and even more so if your company relies on government contract renewals and or financial support. Our access to unvarnished political and process intelligence and ability to interpret for you is an expertise that PARLGROUP uniquely provides.  

As past members of parliament and top civil servants who led Canada’s intelligence capabilities, we are uniquely set to advise on your industrial implementation plans and or procurement objectives before our decision-making peers within the Government of Canada.

Facts, Analysis & Insight

PARLGROUP is the Canadian reference for top-level political and business intelligence and is partnered with some of the world’s leading independent consultancies to service any company’s international intelligence needs.

Every day in Canada as with government institutions across the globe, decisions are made that affect the prospects and profitability of individual companies and entire industries.

Today’s investment plans are both at the mercy of higher levels of regulation and political interference, no matter who is in control. We bring you the facts, analysis, and insight you need to make for the best investment decisions.


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Financing Solutions

Connecting businesses with global investment specialists.

Lobbying & Advocacy

Expert representation before key federal decision-makers.